Child Education

Improvement in Books Distribution

To engage with the various sectors of the society, one has to arrange for community services and events at times. Although tedious, these are ways to reach out to as many of the mass as possible. For these events, one needs to have a great many numbers of volunteers as well as the right kinds of events selected. Events on sports, health and hygiene, and cleanliness are only some of them. These events serve as platforms to communicate and discuss problems among the participants.

Events that aim at engaging deprived and destitute

In order to engage the poor and fringes of the society, one has to not only choose events that appeal to them but also reach out to them in the nook and corner of the society. People hardly can communicate to them easily through electronic media, and the volunteers have to reach out to them by travelling faraway distances in remote areas of the country. Even it will be the duty of the volunteers to bring them on to these events through buses and public transports, serve them food for the day and then also arrange for their return. These people can hardly afford to do these things, and hence, these are basic minimum criteria for such events.

Hiring Volunteers for Events

A lot many numbers of volunteers are required for organising these kinds of events, especially when most of them are organised in the deep and remote parts of the land. Without the volunteers, it is difficult to mobilise the people here out of their homes into the community events. Amidst the events too, there needs to be coordinators who can link easily with the group of participants and make them feel at home. Only then can they open up and communicate easily with each other as well as the resource persons involved in the events.
Our group at Gurudikshaam led by Mr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, the Founder-President, has a very good way to screen the volunteers. We also orient them to organise these events in an efficient manner by overcoming the possible local hurdle that one might face. In order to achieve our aims, the volunteers are our strength. Without them functioning well at the grass root level, it is never possible to deliver towards the destitute and deprived of the society.

Expanding areas of functioning

We are at present functioning in India, but we target to expand very fast in the rest of South Asia. This region is home to the maximum population of the world and as a consequence, also has the majority of the destitute and deprived of the society. We have started off in 2011 and have gathered the little bit of experience that is required to deal with such community events in India. We thus bank upon that bit of experience to expand our work to the rest of South Asia. In fact, we have a great team at the backyard that has a good deal of experience in NGO works. Along with our efficient team of volunteers, we ensure that we can deliver well in the rest of South Asia too in the near future.
In the far distance, we also look towards moving out of Asia. We target to spread in Africa and South America, two of the most densely populated regions of the world. It will be really challenging and daunting to spread our operations to these places. Thus, we aim at training the volunteers up so that the most able of them can be given the best of foreign assignments to carry out our welfare programs in South America, Africa, and the rest of South Asia.


In India at present, we are gathering funding through the CSR funds of many corporates. These corporates have the funds but lack the manpower to implement their plans. Also, since they get tax benefits through CSR, they are eager to have these funds utilized.
We tie-up with these corporates to help them with willing manpower to utilize their CSR funds. We help them to implement these plans and amalgamate our creative plans with theirs as well.
Beyond South Asia too, we are looking toward various corporates in Africa and South America. We are involving the corporates not only in these regions but also the ones from Europe and North America who are aiming at spreading their business in these regions. The social events help these corporates too to spread their goodwill and brand name in these regions where they are stepping in for the first time.
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