
Events on Sports

These are perhaps the most popular among all. People have a natural inclination towards sporting events and they get attracted to these things much easily. That is why arranging a sports event is perhaps easier. It can actually get the poor people to whom we are trying to reach out,get out of their homes more spontaneously. Sporting events when mixed with other things like health and hygiene welfare or educational efforts, show far better results. Sports itself catalyzes the number of participants to go up and as a result, it is easier to get more participation in the other related events too happening in parallel.
The hurdles to organise a sports event in the remote areas remain more or less the same. The logistical challenge is a huge one considering the fact that carrying the various infrastructure and personnel required is difficult. The turnout however is more favorable in the case of sporting events.
Gurudikshaam has an able team of people at the top who can arrange for funds required for such events easily and can also recruit good volunteers to carry out these events in India. They have seen much success since the inception in 2011 and are charged up to extend these welfare activities to places outside India, like the rest of South Asia, Africa and South America. These regions of the world are also full of the destitute and deprived ones and that is why wants to extend its good services to these people. It is a tedious task that will require quite a bit of manpower and good management but with the good work done so far, Gurudikshaam has gained the required experience and confidence to do it!
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